Shiny app downloads cran

There are two parts to every Shiny app: the UI or User Interface and the Server. The UI is like the look and feel of the app, it’s where we tell Shiny what kinds of inputs and outputs we want, how we want to organize the panels, and so on.

Image Fluency Scores in R. Contribute to stm/imagefluency development by creating an account on GitHub.

18 Dec 2018 interactive data visualizations. This guide will show how to deploy an R Shiny app using Shiny Server. Ubuntu: deb xenial/. Debian: apt install gdebi-core. Download Shiny Server:.

0ad, 4digits, 4g8, abgate, abind, abr2gbr, acepack, aces3, acfax, achilles, acpitool, acsccid, adplug, adwaita-qt, aegisub, aes2501-wy, aewm++, aewm++-goodies, affiche, ahcpd, alliance, alltray, amsynth, and, android-tools, anfo, anjuta, … :exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. taipan — Tool for Annotating Images in Preparation for Analysis. Homepage: Report bugs for this package:… :exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. rio — A Swiss-Army Knife for Data I/O. Homepage: Report bugs for this package: - cran/rio Contribute to trianglegirl/shiny-book development by creating an account on GitHub. :exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. merTools — Tools for Analyzing Mixed Effect Regression Models Report bugs for this package: - cran/merTools :exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. ypr — Yield Per Recruit. Homepage: Report bugs for this package: - cran/ypr A collection of shiny applications for the R package Luminescence. - tzerk/RLumShiny

install.packages ( "cranlogs" ) install.packages ( "shiny" ) runGitHub ( "hadley" , "cran-downloads" ) # cannot open URL '': # HTTP status was '404 Not Found' system ( "cd… machine learning statistics in r Almost everyone with an R package in CRAN wonders how often it’s installed and used. Two years ago RStudio kindly started offering anonymized logs of their downloads from their CRAN mirror, which allows one to graph the number of downloads… library(shiny) library(argonR) library(argonDash) library(cranlogs) library(dplyr) library(jsonlite) library(magrittr) library(tibble) library(tidyr) library(billboarder) library(anytime) library(gh) library(purrr) library(shinycssloaders)… Control and distribute packages throughout your organization Shiny Reactivity Visualizer. Contribute to rstudio/reactlog development by creating an account on GitHub. CRAN OpenData Task View. Contribute to ropensci/opendata development by creating an account on GitHub.

This Shiny app was written by David Robinson, based on the cranlog package. It lets you display historic download statistics of an R package from the RStudio  shinymeta is not yet on CRAN, but you can install it via the remotes package: is a screen-recording of a Shiny app which allows you to obtain CRAN download  biblioshiny. The shiny interface for bibliometrix. biblioshiny is a shiny app providing a web-interface for bibliometrix. It supports scholars in easy use of the main  Assign the return value to a slot on output in your server function, and in the UI from the Shiny application to be made available to the user as file downloads  Top downloaded packages a month ago by Jonathan McPherson. Deployment Interface for R Markdown Documents and Shiny Applications  Think about your last Shiny which was created as a single-file ( app. be built as a tar.gz , sent to your colleagues, friends, and family, and even to the CRAN.

iNaturalist data download and visualization. Contribute to Vojczech/iNaturalist_app development by creating an account on GitHub.

:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. shinyML — Compare H20 or Spark Supervised Regression Models Using Shiny App - cran/shinyML Contribute to rstudio/cranwhales development by creating an account on GitHub. install.packages ( "cranlogs" ) install.packages ( "shiny" ) runGitHub ( "hadley" , "cran-downloads" ) # cannot open URL '': # HTTP status was '404 Not Found' system ( "cd… machine learning statistics in r Almost everyone with an R package in CRAN wonders how often it’s installed and used. Two years ago RStudio kindly started offering anonymized logs of their downloads from their CRAN mirror, which allows one to graph the number of downloads…

R-Shiny developer and consultant with a MSc in Bioinformatics and a Bachelor Previously a software engineer at Google, IBM, and CRANalerts.

Each of the Shiny apps gathered here provides a focused introduction to a on the link to CRAN on the left side of the page under the heading "Downloads.

R htmlwidget for Sortable.js. Contribute to rstudio/sortable development by creating an account on GitHub.

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